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Friday, July 1, 2011


Fred, Leeanne, & Greg

Supervisor Greg Helsmoortel

The Senior Center on Market Street was packed on Tuesday, June 28th, as Saugerties Democrats convened their caucus to officially nominate their slate of town candidates for the November 8th election. To enthusiastic applause, rank and file Democrats unanimously nominated Greg Helsmoortel for a 7th term as Town Supervisor, Fred Costello and Leeanne Thornton for their 3rd terms as Town Board members, and first-time candidate Darren Chlud for Highway Superintendent.

Fred Costello

Leeanne Thornton

Speaker after speaker expressed overwhelming approval of the teamwork, collaboration, respect and solid track record of accomplishments that have characterized Greg’s, Fred’s and Leeanne’s successful approach to governing the town. In nominating Chlud, John Brown and Ron Doyne both spoke of Darren’s strong work ethic, twenty-year background in construction and road maintenance, and his knowledge about how to budget jobs and get the work done on schedule.

Darren Chlud

Helsmoortel, a lifelong resident of Saugerties, is widely respected for his decency, nonpartisanship, long-standing commitment to the community, and for keeping the promises he and his team made to the people of Saugerties. As a tenacious watchdog over the town’s finances, Greg has made it a priority to keep town taxes low and to obtain millions of dollars in grant money. He was the driving force behind the police consolidation, shared highway services agreement with the County, energy efficient upgrades for the town’s municipal buildings that have resulted in substantial cost savings, and the Kings Highway water and sewer project that has produced the longest “shovel ready” business corridor in Ulster County at zero cost to town taxpayers.

“Tonight was just amazing,” said Helsmoortel. “It’s an honor to serve as Supervisor, and I’m really humbled that so many people come out to express their trust and support for our team.” Costello, who has served as Deputy Supervisor since 2004 and is highly regarded for his collegiality and ability to work collaboratively, agreed, saying “There was such warmth, and good will and positive energy here tonight. That’s what Saugerties is all about.” Thornton, who is applauded for her talent to involve volunteers in the workings of town government, noted “When I looked out at the crowd, I saw so many people who contribute so much of their time and energy to our community through volunteer activities. The fact that they came out to support us is something we’ll never forget.” In accepting his nomination, Chlud thanked caucus voters for the great opportunity they’ve given him, saying “I’ll work as hard as I can to keep the Highway Department’s tradition of service and safe roads going strong.”

At the close of the caucus, Democratic chairman Mike Harkavy said, “To the terrific candidates we nominated tonight, we thank you for your service to our town. You have our confidence, our support and our unfaltering commitment to help you succeed. Now, let’s all get out there and work hard to ensure that all our town and legislative candidates get elected and that the hard-working people of Saugerties continue to get the type of local government they deserve.”

For more information about the Democratic candidates, please go to http://www.saugertiesdems.org/

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