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Monday, December 5, 2011

Take The Pledge

Supervisor-Elect Kelly Myers should "take the pledge" and promise  not to budget any raises for any elected officials during her term of office. To do otherwise would be a slap in the face to our residents and businesses who are struggling through hard economic times.

Mike Harkavy

Saugerties Dems Holiday Gathering

Friday, October 28, 2011

Terry Valk urges his supporters to vote for Michael Harkavy

Saugerties District One Legislative Candidate Terrance Valk, a Republican, has publicly given his support to Michael Harkavy who is the Democratic and Working Families Party Candidate.

Valk, who is running on the Independence Party line, said, "I want to thank everyone who came out to support me. With one win, the Independence Party line, with 243 voters it will be hard to beat the Republican, Conservative and Democrat in November 8th elections so with that I will be supporting Mike Harkavy for Ulster County Legislature in District 1."

Harkavy, called Valk's support, "gracious", adding that "there is no greater compliment than having an opposing candidate endorse you. I want to take this opportunity to thank Terry for the confidence he has shown in me. I believe in non-partisan government and Terry's endorsement reaffirms my intention to work for all the residents of Ulster County regardless of party affiliation.

Harkavy also has been endorsed by many of the area's largest unions whose leaders have noted his strong working families and pro-worker position.


Seth Turner, the Superintendent of Schools, has made it clear that neither he nor anyone in his administration knows whether the proposed Glasco housing project will result in increased costs to the schools or, if so, how much those costs would be. In his letter to Supervisor Helsmoortel that was read publically a few weeks ago at an informational meeting, Mr. Turner wrote:

“It would be a difficult task to quantify the costs related to any new students, as there are a myriad of factors which would need to be considered… I caution people not to draw conclusions without an in depth study of the specifics of this matter."

Why are Republicans telling you that your property taxes will increase $500,000
per year? They know that’s a bogus claim.

We all understand now that the Supervisor and Town Board have no legal authority to approve or reject this or any other development project. Their only role in the Glasco housing project was to negotiate a PILOT agreement that guarantees taxpayers MORE MONEY, not less.

Why are Republicans trying to drive you into a frenzy over this PILOT?
They’ve fought for PILOTS in the past.

Their candidate for Supervisor, Kelly Myers, recently voted for a PILOT as a Village Trustee that gave a housing development 50% less than what the town negotiated for the Glasco project. She did not call for a public hearing on the PILOT. She did not reach out to school officials to discuss the impacts of reduced school taxes. She did none of the things for which she and her fellow Republicans are lambasting Supervisor Helsmoortel, Fred Costello, and Leeanne Thornton.

So, why are the Republicans doing this?

They want to get you angry enough, frustrated enough and scared enough to buy what they’re selling. And what they’re selling are their candidates.


Town Tax is NOT the Problem

Thursday, October 27, 2011

LWV Candidates Forums Broadcast


Here are the Time Warner Channel 23 air times and dates for the LWV Candidates Forums that occurred last week: Please pass on to anyone you think might be interested.


Town Candidates Recorded on Oct. 17th (2hours 32 minutes)
Sunday, October 23, 1pm and 6:30pm
Thursday, October 27, 2pm and 8pm
Sunday, October 30, 1pm and 9pm
Tuesday, November 1, 6:30pm
Saturday, November 5, 3pm

Legislative/DA Candidates Recorded on October 20th (2 hours) Monday, October 24, 2pm and 9pm
Friday, October 28, 3pm and 5pm
Sunday, October 30, 11am and 7pm
Tuesday, November 1, 9pm
Saturday, November 5, 9pm

Tuesday, September 27, 2011